Scanning electron microscope image of the compound eye of a noctuid moth.
扫描电子显微镜图像复眼夜蛾蛾。Each facet of the eye (ommatidium) is approximately 25 microns wide.每个小眼(小眼)约为25微米宽。
Scanning electron microscope image of the compound eye of a noctuid moth.
扫描电子显微镜图像复眼夜蛾蛾。Each facet of the eye (ommatidium) is approximately 25 microns wide.每个小眼(小眼)约为25微米宽。
6 The insect nervous system is similar to that of other arthropods. Sensory structures include tympanal organs, compound eyes, and ocelli.
Abstract Pseudopupil of the compound eye of the housefly was studied by the method of corneal neutralization, and the deep pseudopupil under antidromic illumination in situ.
摘要 逆光照明下采用角膜中和及深伪瞳方法研究了蝇复眼光学特性。